(87) שמש
sol rules in leo
sol is exalted in aries
sol is in detriment in aquarius
sol falls in libra

Sol is the most apparent of the seven “planets” in the pantheon of ancient astrology.  It is the zodiacal orientation of Sol which determines a person's natal astrological sign.  Despite its rulership over the daytime sky, its influence is regarded as of no greater magnitude than that of any of the other 6 traditional astrological planets (Luna, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn).  Its zodiacal influence, however, is regarded as more definitive than that of the other planets.  A person's astrological disposition is said to default to the solar sign, with modifiers added respective to the other planetary aspects (e.g., a solar Virgo, with Luna in Aries, Capricorn ascendant, &c).  Although not a planet in the cosmological sense, its existence in pre-Copernican times was understood by most to be a planet which orbited the earth in the fourth celestial sphere.  Because it was the brightest and most obvious of the seven known planets, its zodiacal influence was believed to be more comprehensive.  Sol is attributed rulership over only one astrological sign:  Leo.  Aside from Luna, which rules only one sign (Cancer), the other planets are attributed dominion over two signs each.

The zodiacal colour for Sol is orange, although yellow is assigned to the solar kabbalistic sefirah, Tifareth (Beauty).  Gold (L: aurum; Heb: zahav) is the solar metal.

The day of the week assigned to Sol is Sunday, whose Anglish name tells us this association outright.  In the Romance languages, Sunday is the Catholic holy day, and consequently is named after the Lord:

Spanish:  domingo
French:  dimanche
Old Anglish:  Sonnandæg

Solar Physical attributes
diameter (km) 1 390 000
mass (kg) 1.99 x 1030
density (g/cm3) 1.41
surface gravity (g) 27.96
escape velocity (km/s) 617.7
corona plasma & superheated gas
stellar body H (75%), He (25%)*
surface temp (K) 5800
corona temp (K) 1 000 000+
core temp (K) 15 600 000
orbital properties
avg distance from Earth (km) 150 000 000
rotational period 24 d 14 h 24 m
galactic orbit 200 000 000 y
(* also includes trace metals <0.1%)