This section on the seven planets in traditional astrological systems also includes scientifically-obtained information with regard to the physical planetary/solar bodies themselves; kabbalistic correspondences for the 7 planets can be found in tables of correspondences in a section which shall be added later to this site.  I have intentionally excluded the extra-Saturnian planets here, as their existence was not known to ancient astrologers, and also because, due to their positioning outside the orbit of Saturn, their influence is not applicable to astrological schemes, but only to non-occult scientific models of the Universe.  One might also argue that were these extra planets to be included in the astrological schemes of the ancients, that they would have to be visible to the human eye.  The visibility factor figures highly in the models of ancient occult systems, as only those things observable by ancient man could be interpreted as knowledge intended for him.  One might also argue that planets further from Earth than Saturn are so far away as to make their astrological influence truly negligible, especially on such a finite scale as that of a human life.

Additionally, the kabbalistic world of knowledge includes only the planets visible to the human eye from Earth, and this is reflected in the various sets of planetary, elemental, and zodiacal correspondences, which summarily exclude the extra-Saturnian planets.  The study of kabbalah is an ancient one; any attempts to modernise it are to make it into something it is not:  a modern “science.”